Meditative Paintings: Explore your Inner Child.
A monthly compassionate and creative inner experience.
These meditative painting classes are meant to reconnect with your inner child and I found that the best way to bound with this innocent child is to create.
This class won’t teach you any techniques but we will use watercolor to express and reveal the messages of our most profound self, the one we were when we were a child. This part of us often hide in our unconscious mind often felt trapped and try to communicate with ourselves through our daily feelings, senses, emotions, expressions, sensations in our body.
Reconnect with the subconscious parts of our childhood in a safe way will allow to create a bound again and to bring more compassion, love, tenderness, trust, joy, creativity to our inner world and therefore it will impact positively our external world. We will feel more :
free to see and hear what we feel and what we really think, not what we should think.
Free to feel what we feel and not what we should feel.
Free to ask what we want, instead of waiting approval or hoping that the other guess what we want.
Free to take risk for yourself, instead of choosing the “safe” path and don’t create the change.
In other words, you will be able to reveal more authenticity and love to yourself. Then it will be easier to expose it to the world, either to accept all parts of you that make you a unique and extraordinary person.
How the class will be set up?
First we will have a short time to receive the guidance you need to receive at this specific time, then we will open the meditative time with the essence of the plant that will guide you during this introspection.
Then during the meditation we will meet up with our inner child to check on him/her/their.
At the end we will keep the insights we received, the experience lived and put it onto the paper. We will honor ourselves in a creative way, letting colors, lines and shapes blend into a powerful messages.
To close this circle we will share our experiences and insights if wanted.
This unique class is a way to connect profoundly with parts of yourself and help you to get in touch with the child within you.
With the help of Universe, guidance, messages of the plants and art you will be able to unfold yourself in authentic way in a safe container.